Friday, October 17, 2014

Philippine History in America


According to historic records, the "first documented Filipino" landed in Moro Bay, CA on October 17, 1587.  

Got it!  Here I was in Moro Bay:  I was not the first Filipino and I was not last.

In 1762, Filipinos were introduced to the English language by the British invaders (not by the Americans) teaching the "British English."  It's the first English-speaking nation in Asia and the third English-speaking nation in the world next to the United States of America and the United Kingdom.  

In 1763, Filipino Seamen established a settlement in what is now known as Louisiana.

In 1781, Los Angeles, CA was co-founded by a Filipino named Antonio Miranda Rodriguez, along with 43 Latinos from Mexico sent by the Spanish government.

The Philippines became a US Commonwealth in 1898.  The USA bought ? the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam in 1898.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, many Filipinos came to the US as sponsored students or pensionados and non-sponsored students.

The fluorescent lamp discovered by Thomas Edison was thought of by Nikola Tesla.  But the fluorescent lamp we use today was invented by Agapito Flores.

Philippine Herald war journalist Carlos P. Romulo was the first  Asian and Filipino to be awarded America's Pulitzer Prize in 1941.  He was the first Asian to become President of the United Nations.

Dr. Abelardo Aguilar, a Filipino MD, co-discovered Ilosone antibiotic (named after Iloilo,  his province) now called Erythromycin.

The one-chip video camera was first invented by Marc Loinaz, a Filipino from New Jersey.

After the Asian Immigration Act of 1965, Filipinos came to the US in unlimited numbers mainly as professionals such as doctors, nurses, engineers, exchange students, military service personnel and domestic care workers.

Dr. Eleanor Concepcion Mariano, a Filipina doctor who was the youngest captain in the US Navy was US President Bill Clinton's former physician.  More than a year ago she annoyed  New Jersey Governor Chris Christie when she made a comment on his weight.

The largest population of Filipino Americans is on the East Coast.

Recycled Web Page     October2014


FOR SALE:  The Philippines as Real Estate Property of the United States of America


Grammar Police Melwyn wrote:

"I know the English language very good.  Ever sense I was young, I have loved learning about grammar and it's affects on you're everyday life.  Throughout many years of schooling, teachers have given us there opinions on the importance of grammar to.  Unfortunately, not many students learned they're lesson."

According to the GP Melwyn, Microsoft Word did not catch any errors.

Question: I did not try re-writing the paragraph in my Microsoft Word but if true, how do you correct it?

Published  4/23/06   ALT  MSN Group
Web Page:  Speak English, Please

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