Thursday, September 25, 2003

News Potpourri

Please download to your computer all "Documents" of interest to you.  I'll be deleting these old documents pretty soon.  I had deleted a lot already.  At a glance >

ALT - More Professional and highly political

Budz4ALT - More Personal and up close with members and friends

B*U*S*T* - My own personal favorite because it's so much fun. 

I was watching NBC local news two days ago.  The teachers in Gurnee, IL (Woodland District)  went ON STRIKE because they want more money.  They were asking for almost 30% wage increase in 3 years!  My goodness.  I worked in healthcare dedicated my life to the sick and I only got 1.5% wage increase per year!!!!!!  These teachers are so greedy.

The Do Not Call Registry was put on hold by a judge in Nebraska.  I really don't have a problem with telemarketers because my computer is connected to my phone line (intentional).  I'm not a phone-aholic and my answering machine is always on.  My award-winning contributor, Susan, e-mailed me some really neat ideas how to zap these telemarketers.  I tried to forward it to the web sites but failed maybe because it was an attachment.

I know Ahhnold will be great in the debate.  Everyone has skeleton in their closets.  I myself supported Proposition 187.  I even got hold of a letter from the then Gov. Pete Wilson (May 19,1995) sent to my family who used to live in California.  We were against illegal immigrants getting support.  60% of Californians voted for it but it was deemed unconstitutional.  My parents sent me their hard-earned money to support me when I was an exchange student.  The federal government even took some in the form of taxes.  Thousands of immigration applicants from all over the world (some waiting for 5-20 years) went through the legal channel and they are still waiting.  Nevertheless, that's why we have THE CONSTITUTION. 

Nobody goes to court with clean hands.

  IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

Saturday, September 6, 2003

ALT Family Potluck Picnic 2003


Lechon baboy from Greg  $140


The date of July 18, 2009, Saturday, has been just marked in the ALT Group Family calendar of events.  The officers and members will provide the fun and food.
The picnic location  will be at Laramie Park, 5251 Sherwin Ave. & Niles Center Road (close to Touhy Ave,)
Published  5/22/09  ALT MSN Group
Web Page: ALT Family Potluck Picnic